The Trench Ellesmere

Project Information

The Trench, Ellesmere

Design Standard:
British Standard & Eurocodes

Structural Design


The existing building is a two-storey high detached residential building. The existing building comprises of traditional masonry walls, ground bearing ground floor slab, suspended first floor and loose timber rafters and purlins. The proposed alteration briefly comprises:

  • Construct a new single storey extension to three sides of the building with single pitch roof.
  • Removal of internal and external load bearing walls to suit the proposed open plan layout.
  • Relocation of existing internal staircase.
  • New opening to perimeter wall at first floor.

The proposal involves removing the majority of the external wall on one side, and to maintain a clear internal space without internal columns. A 3D structural model was therefore created to assess the lateral and vertical deformation of the proposed steel moment frame structure. The predicted deformation was then discussed with the Architect and the client, to ensure it is acceptable and the implications are clearly understood, prior to proceeding to connection design and detailing.

The foundation of the existing building had been underpinned in the past, hence careful consideration and detailing will be required to ensure the new foundation will not suffer from ground movement, and not to surcharge or underpin the existing foundation.

Structural design and drawings for building control submission and tender purposes were provided. All design risks are captured in the job specific designers’ risk assessment.

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