Project Information
Brewery, Tadcaster
Design Standard:
Structural Design
GCS was appointed as a subconsultant to provide structural engineering services to this project.
A new building is proposed for a brewery in Tadcaster. The proposed building is a single storey CO2 recovery building housing the equipment such as gaswasher, CO2 compressors, pre-cooler, Economiser, water pump, air evaporator, superheater, ACF dryer, NH3 compressor, stripper/reboiler/CO2 condenser/Liquivap, water treatment colling tower and a CO2 balloon. Each CO2 compressor units will be sat on an isolated foundation. There are 2no. CO2 storage tanks which will be located outside the CO2 recovery building and sitting on an independent foundation. The building measures circa 29.5m long by 9.2m wide on plan, with circa 8.9m to eaves.
Based on the ground investigation report and the site constraints, a piled ground slab foundation is provided. The new compressors were sat on separate foundations to avoid vibration transfer to the main building.
The proposed building is to be situated to the east of the site close to the site boundary. There are existing underground foul and surface water drainage under the footprint of the proposed building, which are to remain and the piles layout was to be adjusted to achieve a distance of 1m from centrelines to centrelines between the existing foul drain and the proposed piles. To the south east of the building, the piles will be offset 1.5m from the edge of the above ground gas pipe to the centreline of the piles.
A new external stair is also proposed to the side of the main building, to provide maintenance access to the new building roof.
GCS originally provided substructure design to the proposed structures, and were subsequently asked to extend our services to include the superstructure design of the structures for tender and construction purposes. We were also responsible to responding queries during both tender and construction stage.